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Difference between CGPA and SGPA

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SGPA and CGPA: What it Is, How to Calculate, Difference

The grading system is crucial in the academic world because it helps measure students’ academic performance. Two common grading systems used in colleges and universities around the world are SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). Both are calculated based on the grades students receive in their courses.

SGPA measures a student’s academic performance in a specific semester. It is calculated by dividing the total grade points earned in that semester by the total number of credits taken. On the other hand, CGPA reflects a student’s overall academic performance throughout their entire study period.

Understanding the difference between SGPA and CGPA is important for students to accurately assess their academic progress. For instance, CGPA is used to evaluate a student’s overall performance for graduation or other academic goals, while SGPA is often used to determine eligibility for scholarships and other educational benefits for a particular semester.

This article will go through SGPA and CGPA in-depth, including how to calculate them, their differences, and their importance in the academic world. In addition, students will thoroughly grasp various grading systems and how to utilize them to track their academic progress.

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What is SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average)?

Semester Grade Point Average is abbreviated as SGPA. It is a grading system used in many colleges and institutions to assess a student’s academic achievement for a given semester. The SGPA is determined using students’ grades from all courses taken in a semester. 

The semester grade point average (SGPA) plays a key role in determining a student’s eligibility for scholarships, awards, and other academic honors. It also provides valuable feedback on their academic performance, helping them identify areas where they may need to improve.

How is SGPA calculated?

A student’s SGPA is calculated by assigning grade points to the grades they receive in their courses. To find the grade points for each course, you multiply the grade point value of the letter grade by the number of credit hours for that course. The SGPA is then determined by dividing the total grade points earned by the total credit hours attempted.

    For example, 

  • If a student receives an ‘A’ in a three-credit hour course, the grade point value for an ‘A’ is 4.0, and the course grade point is 12. (4.0 x 3). 
  • If a student receives a ‘B’ in a two-credit hour course, the grade point value for ‘B’ is 3.0, and the course grade point is 6. (3.0 x 2). 
  • If a student receives an ‘A’ in a four-credit hour course, the ‘A’ grade point value is 4.0, and the grade point gained for that course is 16. (4.0 x 4). 
  • If a student receives a ‘C’ in a one-credit hour course, the grade point value for ‘C’ is 2.0, and the course grade point is 2. (2.0 x 1).

The student’s overall grade point total for the semester would be 36 (12+6+16+2), and the total credit hours attempted would be ten (3+2+4+1). As a result, the semester SGPA would be 3.6 (36/10).


What exactly is CGPA?

CGPA stands for “Cumulative Grade Point Average.” It measures a student’s academic performance over a specific period, usually an academic term or year, on a scale of 0 to 4.0. The CGPA takes into account the grades a student earns in all their courses during that time, with each grade assigned a numerical value from 0 to 4.0. To calculate the CGPA, the total grade points earned are divided by the total credits attempted. Schools and universities commonly use CGPA to evaluate a student’s overall academic performance for grading and admission purposes.

How is CGPA calculated?

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is derived by taking the weighted average of a student’s grade points from all semesters of their course. The CGPA formula is as follows:

CGPA = (Total Grade Points Achieved Throughout All Semesters) / (Total Credits Taken in All Semesters)

To compute the CGPA, first, total the grade points earned by the student in each semester. To do so, multiply the grade point allocated to each grade by the number of credits assigned to that course. 

For example,

if a student receives an ‘A’ in a three-credit course, the grade point total for that course is

9 (A grade point) x 3 (course credits) = 27 grade points

Once you’ve computed the grade points for each semester, add them to get the student’s overall grade point average for all semesters. Then, sum the credits earned by the student over all semesters.

Lastly, divide the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credits earned throughout all semesters. The resultant figure indicates the student’s CGPA.

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How is CGPA different from SGPA?

The main difference between SGPA and CGPA lies in the scope of the measurement. SGPA, or Semester Grade Point Average, reflects a student’s academic performance in a single semester. Conversely, CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, measures a student’s academic performance across multiple semesters or years.

To calculate SGPA, grade points are assigned to the grades a student earns in each course during a semester. The average of these grade points across all courses taken in that semester gives the SGPA. For CGPA, grade points are assigned to the grades earned over multiple semesters or years, and the average of these grade points across all courses taken during that period provides the CGPA.

In simpler terms, SGPA is a snapshot of a student’s academic success in a specific semester, while CGPA offers a comprehensive view of their academic performance throughout their academic career. Universities and colleges use CGPA to determine eligibility for graduation, scholarships, and other academic honors, whereas SGPA helps monitor students’ progress from one semester to the next.

How is CGPA calculated from SGPA?

To compute CGPA from SGPA, perform the following steps:

  • Determine the total number of credit hours attempted throughout all semesters. 

For instance, if a student tried 120 credit hours over eight semesters, the total number of credit hours attempted is 120.

  • Calculate the total amount of grade points obtained throughout all semesters. Then, multiply the SGPA attained each semester by the number of credit hours tried to achieve this. 

For example, if a student obtained an SGPA of 3.5 while taking 15 credit hours in the first semester, the total grade points gained would be 52.5. (3.5 x 15). Rep to this procedure for each semester.

  • Total the number of grade points achieved over all semesters.
  • Divide the total number of credit hours attempted by the total number of grade points received. The CGPA is the outcome of this calculation.

A student obtained an SGPA of 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.9, 3.8, 3.6, 3.5, and 3.9 in eight semesters, taking credit hours of 15, 16, 14, 17, 18, 19, 16, and 15. 

Each semester, the total number of grade points gained would be 48, 56, 51.8, 66.3, 68.4, 56, and 58.5.

The overall number of grade points gained across all semesters is 423.4 (48 + 56 + 51.8 + 66.3 + 68.4 + 56 + 58.5), and the total number of credit hours attempted is 120 (15 + 16 + 14 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 16 + 15). 

When the total number of grade points obtained is divided by the total number of credit hours attempted, the CGPA is 3.53 (423.4/120).

How do you convert a CGPA to a percentage?

The CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) measures a student’s overall academic achievement that is computed by averaging the grade points earned in each semester of a course.

Nonetheless, converting CGPA to a percentage is occasionally essential for numerous academic and career needs.

To convert CGPA to a percentage, use the formula:

Percentage = CGPA multiplied by 9.5.

The calculation is based on the fact that the highest grade point (10) equals 100% in the percentage system. To convert CGPA to percentage, multiply it by 9.5, the ratio of the highest grade point (10) to the highest percentage (100%).

For example,

suppose you have a CGPA of 8.2. You may use the following formula to convert it to a percentage:

77.9% = 8.2 x 9.5 = 77.9%

As a result, your CGPA of 8.2 is comparable to 77.9% in percentage terms.

It is crucial to note that the conversion formula may differ based on the institution’s grading system. For example, to convert CGPA to a percentage, certain schools may employ a different maximum grade point or a different ratio. Therefore, to guarantee appropriate conversion, it is always advisable to check with the institution’s requirements or confer with the relevant authority is always advisable.

How to compute SGPA as a percentage:

To compute SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) in percentage, divide the grade points earned in a semester and the total credit hours of courses completed that semester. The obtained SGPA may be converted to a percentage using the following formula:

  • SGPA × Maximum Grade Point x 10 = Percentage.

The maximum grade point may differ based on the institution’s grading system. For example, most institutions in India employ a 10-point grading system, with a top grade point of 10. As a result, the formula for calculating SGPA in % in India is:

  • Overall Grade Points Acquired / Total Credit Hours = SGPA

Percentage = SGPA multiplied by 10 and multiplied by 100.


For example, suppose a student took five classes in a semester and received the following grades:

The total number of grade points received is (8×4) + (9×3) + (7×2) + (6×3) + (8×4) = 103.

The total number of credit hours would be 4+3+2+3+4=16.

As a result, the SGPA may be computed as follows:

  • SGPA = 103/16 = 6.44 (rounded to two decimal places) (rounded to two decimal places)

The SGPA’s percentage equivalent may then be computed as follows:

  • 6.44 x 10 x 100 = 64.4%

As a result, the student’s SGPA of 6.44 is comparable to 64.4% in percentage terms.

It is crucial to note that the conversion formula may differ based on the institution’s grading system. Therefore, checking the institution’s rules or conferring with the relevant authority is suggested to guarantee appropriate conversion.

Grading system

The grading system used to assign grade points differs per institution. Most universities in India use a 10-point grading system. The followings are the grade points and their related grades: 

Grade Point















F (Fail)

The grades ‘A+,’ ‘A,’ and ‘B+’ are regarded as good, whereas ‘B,’ ‘C,’ and ‘P’ are deemed mediocre. A grade of ‘F’ indicates that the student failed the subject.

SGPA and CGPA are crucial for evaluating a student’s academic performance. They help in assessing a student’s progress, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and making necessary adjustments. SGPA and CGPA are important for admissions to higher education courses, job applications, and other academic pursuits.



In summary, the SGPA is vital for students to assess their academic performance, set goals, track progress, and identify their strengths and weaknesses. It helps students pinpoint areas for improvement, work on their weaker points, and achieve desired outcomes. Additionally, SGPA plays a significant role in determining employment opportunities, making it an important measure for students aiming for success beyond the classroom.

However, it’s important to remember that SGPA should not be the only indicator of academic performance. Students should aim for well-rounded learning and practical knowledge that goes beyond textbook study. Participation in co-curricular activities, internships, and real-world experiences helps develop soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication, and critical thinking.

In conclusion, SGPA is a valuable tool that provides students with insights into their academic achievements. By leveraging its benefits and focusing on holistic learning, students can achieve academic excellence and prepare for successful careers.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

The SGPA and CGPA grading systems evaluate a student's academic performance. Educational institutions use them for various purposes, including admissions, scholarships, and career opportunities.

The SGPA is determined by summing the grade points received in all courses taken during a semester and dividing the total number of credits tried by the total number of credits attempted.

The CGPA is calculated by adding up all the grade points earned in the courses taken over an academic year or multiple years. This total is then divided by the total number of credits attempted to determine the CGPA.

The SGPA measures a student's performance during a specific semester, while the CGPA measures a student's overall performance across an academic year or several years. The SGPA is calculated at the end of each semester, whereas the CGPA is computed at the end of each academic year or over multiple years.

SGPA and CGPA grading scales can vary between educational institutions. However, many schools use a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 represents the highest grade point.

SGPA and CGPA are crucial indicators of a student's academic performance. They help assess a student's strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and provide valuable feedback. Additionally, SGPA and CGPA play a role in determining a student's eligibility for various academic programs, scholarships, and career opportunities.

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